Key Topics

A team of specialist consultants has undertaken a series of technical surveys and assessments as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which is required by legislation to support the planning application.

An Environmental Statement has been prepared that presents the findings of the EIA, which has evaluated the likely environmental impacts and effects of the proposed development on the site and surrounding area.

The EIA focuses on matters including highways & access, landscaping, flood risk & drainage, ecology & biodiversity, heritage & archaeology, noise and air quality.

An experienced team of consultants has also prepared the necessary plans and drawings to accompany the planning application, including a Design & Access Statement and a Design Guide, which set out a series of parameters and standards that any future development will be required to adhere to and which would become an approved planning document, if the proposals are granted.

The planning application is supported by this suite of documents and is available to view via the Council’s website.

Please click the following links for further details on how we are taking account of the following key topics: